98% of reading is auditory. Only 2% is visual.

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59% of high school graduates in TN are placed in remedial classes in college.


Only 37 percent of students are prepared for college-level math and reading

About Me

 Click here for a pdf version of my resume.

Thank you for your interest in SHIFT Educational Consulting. I am excited about partnering with you toward achieving your goals for yourself and/or your student.

I have worked with all ages, socioeconomic backgrounds, financial backgrounds and classes. I love helping everyone who has an ear to listen and a heart to understand!

Personally, I have homeschooled both of my children from Kindergarten to Graduation and loved the time spent with them.

I was a homeschool support group leader and owned/operated The Center for Homeschool Excellence for a combination of 11 years and enjoyed the interaction with the students as well as the opportunity to support and encourage their parents. 

Currently, I am the Academic Coach at Southern Adventist University and get to spend my time helping current students bridge the gap into higher education through helping them in their time management, organization, procrastination relief and other important skills. 

I welcome the opportunity to work with what your needs are at this time. I utilize an individual approach - not a one size fits all - and tailor my knowledge and resources to each unique person and family situation. Let's talk soon and see how I can help make your educational SHIFT a better one.


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